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LifeinCase allows you to be prepared for life's little emergencies by having all of your personal, financial, property, medical and estate documents at hand in one nice, sturdy, compact case.  Take the frustration out of trying to put your hands onto all of the important documents when you need them the most. 


Home Zada is an all encompassed site that manages and forecasts home improvements, maintenance, inventory and more.  Stay on top of things with your homeowners insurance and ahead of the game by taking a proactive approach to responsibilites before they become hassels. 

Helpful Books

Organizing Resources

Remoov offers a quick and convenient way to eliminate all of your unwanted belongings and receive 50% of the value on items sold.  Remoov will collect things that no longer fit into your life, find an accurate value for consignment through their team of currators, as well as donate and recycle the rest.  The goal of Remoov is to reduce waste and increase reuse.  Call for a consultation today and take the hassle out of creating additonal space in your home.

You don't have to be challenged by ADD to benefit from this book.  I would say that it is the polar opposite of Marie Kondo's best seller.  People that require a little extra help with locating things and having more visible systems will appreciate this book.  The strategies and tips within have been proven and recommended by a professional organizer as well a renowned ADD clinician.  There is a wealth of information for everyone!

You can't expect to have a Feng Shui home unless you clear your clutter first.  Defined as the "art of balance and harmonizing the flow of natural energies in our surroundings to create beneficial effects in our lives," this simply cannot be achieved until we address the items that are weighing us down.  We can literally get "stuck" if we live in an environment that posesses things that not only do not make us happy, but remind us of a past that needs to be dealt with and then released.

Love this book!  It will have you organized in no time, but, it's not for everyone.  For many of us, the process of organizing takes more time due to individual circumstances, time availability and emotions.  There is no right or wrong way to get your things in order, but it has to be done within your comfort zone.  The "KonMari Method" is effective, quick and to the point, but you have to be up for that type of hard core challenge.  You'll still find invaluable tips even if this appoach is too pressured for your taste.

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